Tile calculator |
Calculator to estimate how many tiles to buy for the project.
1 W – width of tile installation area in feet. Inches values should be entered as real number means 3 inches = 0.25 feet; 6” = 0.5’; 9” = 0.75’ and so on. 2 L – length of tile installation area in feet. Input real numbers only. Tile calculator estimates total square footage, amount, and actual number of tile boxes to purchase based on project size, tile dimensions, and how many square feet of tile contain each case. By default, calculator set to compute amount of tile to buy for up to three areas including installation of 12 x 12 porcelain tile on 45 square feet bathroom floor, tiling 66 square feet bathtub surrounding with 8 x 10 ceramic tiles and installing 27 Sq. Ft. of kitchen backsplash using 4 x 4 travertine. All input numbers could be adjusted depending on tile project details. 3 Number of tiles to buy includes typical waste factor which is equal to 10%. Waste of tile during installation greatly depends on tile installation pattern and design. Diagonal layout, incorporation of multiple sizes of tile into style or irregular shape of installation area will affect waste factor significantly. For complex tile installation projects waste of tile can go up to 30% or even more and could be defined with high accuracy only after in-home inspection with analyzing difficulty of work.