Steel siding replacement cost |
2020 Calculator to estimate the cost to replace steel siding
By default, steel siding replacement cost calculator estimates cost of labor, materials expenses and average completion time to tear off old steel siding and install 20 squares of new horizontal steel panels on a simple one story ranch-style house. Homeowners can easily adjust input parameters and calculate total expenses bases on project size and work complexity. 1Project size is an actual house exterior walls area in squares. One square = 100 square feet. 2Majority of residential houses built as one, two or three story homes. Depending on exterior walls accessibility, installation of steel siding on higher houses with 3+ stories could be priced at higher rates. 3Cost of labor will be significantly lower to install steel siding on a simple house with no dormers or custom elements on exterior walls. Multiple obstacles on the house will slow down installation process and lead to labor cost rise. 4Cost of labor to replace steel siding greatly depends on work complexity. 5Old siding removal doesn’t include plywood, damaged wood, or insulation replacement. All extra work will be priced separately. 6Steel siding around doors, windows, vents and pipes has to be properly installed. Placing J-channels and adequate siding installation around obstacles is not the same as installing steel siding panels on a flat rectangular wall. 7Cost of labor is an average charge by contractor to complete metal siding replacement accounting project size, height of a house and overall difficulty of work. 8Cost of materials includes purchasing price of a new synthetic house wrap, 3-1/2 in. x 10 ft. galvanized steel starter strips, 3/4 in. x 120 in. inside corner posts, 3 in. x 3/4 in. outside corner posts, 5/8 in. x 150 in. J-channels, and galvanized siding nails. Cost of steel siding estimated based on average price of double 4 in. x 20 ft. textured woodgrain steel panels. 9Total cost to replace steel siding is an actual amount homeowners should expect to pay in case contractor will purchase and supply all necessary materials for completing siding repair project. 10Siding replacement cost per square is an average expense to replace every 100 Sq. Ft. of exterior house walls area. 11Estimated time to replace steel siding is an average number of days necessary for an experienced siding crew to complete siding replacement and clean the job site.